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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Database Tables of Access 2003


By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:

  • Understand datasheet basics
  • Understand field properties
  • Understand table relationships
  • Understand the role of the primary key

    Datasheet basics

    The core component of a database is a table. Data is defined and stored in a table. Multiple tables -- each consisting of different types of data -- can be created in a database.
    Datasheet Basics
    Each row in the database is called a record. The entry for John Smith is called a record. The entry for Martha Tompkins is also a record. Each row or record is made up of columns or fields -- L.Name, F.Name, Phone, Address, City, State, Zip -- which contain a particular piece of information.
    SmithJohn919.555.6320100 Paramount ParkwayMorrisvilleNC27560
    TompkinsMartha919.555.642797 Hummingbird CourtCaryNC27513
    In a Contact Management database, a list of names -- those contacts to whom you have sent resumes or have met through your personal network -- might be maintained in a table, along with address, phone number, and other personal information.

    Field Properties

    Every table contains a number of columns called fields or datatypes. Fields are unique pieces of information that make up the information in a table. Tables usually contain multiple fields.
    In a previous example we mentioned that a table might consist of the fields: Last Name, First Name, Phone, Address, City, State, and Zip. Each field has unique properties. Some contain characters. Others contain numbers. These Field Properties are defined when the table is created.
    Field Properties

    Understanding Table Relationships

    Databases can be simple -- consisting of a single table -- or made up of many different tables. If you were to convert your resume into a database, for example, you might have a table that contains your name and personal mailing address. We might call this the Contact_Information table.
    Table Relationships in a Resume Database
    Your work experience is a different kind of information. Instead of identifying who you are or where you live, it identifies the companies you worked for, their addresses, your job title, and responsibilities. Because this set of information is independent from the contact information, we might instead create a second table called the Work_Experience table.
    The same is true of your educational background. It has no direct bearing on your contact information or the companies where you worked. A third table might be created called the Education table to save this kind of data.
    The database contains three tables, each independent of the other, and all containing different types of information. The database needs a way to connect these three tables.

    Primary Keys

    Every table in Microsoft Access must have at least one field that uniquely identifies each record in the table. This field is known as a primary key. This primary key essentially opens the door to the table and allows you to retrieve information from the table.
    The primary key is the mechanism by which you relate different tables and combine information for viewing (query) or printing (report).
    Primary Key in a Table

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