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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sorting Records of Access 2003


By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:

  • Review table records and form records concepts
  • Perform a simple sort
  • Perform a multi-field sort
  • Remove a sort
  • Save a sort

    Sorting Records to Find Information

    Sorting is one method that helps you find information quickly and easily in a database. Records can be sorted in ascending order (A-Z), and descending order (Z-A). You can sort by zip code, last name, first name, company, contact type (e.g., family, friend, relative), etc. You can even sort by contact type and then by last name within each contact type.
    It's easiest to see the results of a sort if you work in Datasheet View.
    To Sort Records:
    • Open the desired form or table (e.g., Contacts table).
    • Choose ViewDatasheet View from the menu bar if Datasheet View is not already displayed.

      Records Shown in Datasheet View
    • Click anywhere in the column you want to sort by (e.g., Last Name).
    • Click the Ascending or Descending button on the toolbar (or choose RecordsSortSort Ascending or Sort Descending from the menu bar).

      Records Sorted in Descending Order by Last Name
    To sort by Form View, switch to Form View, select the field you want to sort by, and click the Sort button on the toolbar. To see the results, use the status area to move through the records.

    Performing a multi-field sort

    Multi-field sorting allows you to define multiple fields in your sort. You specify the column to sort by, (e.g., Last Name), and within that column sort by some other specified field (e.g., First Name). For example, you could sort all the Brown records by first name.
    To Sort by Multiple Fields:
    • Open the desired form or table in Datasheet View.
    • Move the columns to be included in the sort so they are positioned alongside one another.
    Moving a column in Access is much like moving a column in Excel. Click in the column heading of one field to highlight the entire column. Then, drag the entire column so that it sits alongside the other column(s) to be used in the sort.
    • The column to be sorted first should be positioned to the left of the second column to be sorted, and so on.

      Column To Be Included in Sort Moved to New Position
    • Select all fields (columns) involved in the multiple sort process.

      Columns Selected in Multi-Field Sort
    • Click the Ascending or Descending button on the toolbar to sort the records (or choose RecordsSortSort Ascending or Sort Descending from the menu bar).

      Records Displayedin New Sort Order
    Multiple field sorts cannot be performed in Columnar or Tabular Form View.

    Removing a Sort

    After a sort is performed, you will be given the option to save the sort or to remove it to allow the records to return to the way they were ordered before you applied the sort.
    To Remove the Sort Order:
    • Choose RecordsRemove Filter/Sort from the menu bar.

      Remove Filter/Sort option on Records Menu

      The records revert to their ordering before the sort was applied.
    If you add new records to a table that has been sorted, any new records are automatically saved.

    Saving a sort

    When you open a table in Access -- any table -- the records are displayed in order based on values that appear in the primary key field. In other words, Access defaults to a sort on the primary key when a table is opened. A sort can be performed against any field listed in a table, however. Sorting table records actually change the table design. When you attempt to close a table after a sort, Access will prompt you to save the changes to the table design.
    To save a sort:
    • Exit the table
    • Click the Yes button in response to the question, Do you want to save changes to the table?

      Confirm Save Dialog Box

      The sort order is saved. When you open the table again, the records will still be sorted.
    To cancel a sort:
    • Exit the table
    • Click the No button in response to the question, Do you want to save changes to the table?

      The change is not saved; the table remains in its original design.

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